Tweens Holiday Workshop (9 – 12 yrs)
For an extra special experience during the winter break, join us for a creative and fun-filled yoga workshop hosted by our children’s yoga teacher Karen of Little Yogi Owls.
Date: Wednesday 12 July
Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Cost: R250 per child
What you can expect on the day:
~ A welcome and warm up, followed by calming breath work
~ Yoga movement, including learning a mini mandala flow (and why it is called a mandala flow)
~ Lots of fun and creativity creating mandala patterns and focusing on teamwork as we work together to form the patterns
~ Relaxation through a short Savasana to allow us to find inner calm
~ Craft time – each participant will receive a sand art mandala to create and take home
~ We’ll end with “I am” affirmations and good-byes
As space is limited, booking is essential (please note: payment is required to reserve your child’s spot).
To book, please email us at